WordPress "Advanced" SEO Tools

WordPress announced that it has added “advanced” SEO tools for business users of WordPress.com. It’s got many SEO experts smiling given how basic these tools are.
They consist of:

  • custom meta descriptions for blog posts;
  • custom title elements for pages.

which is pretty basic in terms of SEO and available for all WP users via most SEO plugins.
In addition they are providing a preview tool that shows how a specific page/URL would look in Google’s search, Facebook or Twitter.   In the latter case they are catering to the Twitter “card” feature which may WP sites might not factor in.   USer of the Yoast SEO plugin will know that is built in but other SEO plugins may not necessarily cater for it.

What are Twitter Cards?

When your tweet has a link to a site that has twitter cards enabled, there is an option to view summary which will include your featured image so your tweets look good.  But  the biggest advantage of having twitter cards is when people retweet credit is maintained meaning people know where the original tweet came from which can increase your followers.  If you do not have a twitter card, there are several plugins that will help. Contact us if you are interested in adding this kind of feature to your site.