Internet Explorer 8 – is your site up to it?

Internet Explorer 8 was released at noon on 19 March 2009.  Available in 25 languages (not many when you think about it), it is apparently what customers want in a web browser – faster, safer and easier to use. Believe that or not, people will soon be using it, so have you checked your site yet?
New browser versions can impact the site design. Pixels that line up perfectly under IE7 can shift under IE8 pushing your graphics out of alignment.
Functions that worked under IE8, like AJAX or Javascript, can stop working under IE8. So banner ads can disappear or cart functions stop working.
So download IE8 and check it out. If you don’t want to download IE8 yet, then ask us to do a browser test.  It’s free!
Better to make sure all is ok before your customers find that out for you …