Are you ready for GDPR?

A lot of American small eCommerce operations are ignoring GDPR in the belief that being small means it does not impact them.  But does it? While the number of employees is a factor, if your “partners” don’t comply then what?
If you run an eCommerce store, then you should review:

  • How (and why) your site stores personal data.
  • Whether your Privacy Policy needs an update.
  • How you’ll handle Right to Erasure and Right of Access requests.
  • What third party application you use e.g. your ESP (Listrak, Mailchimp etc) or Live Chat (Olark etc) do.

You might not use WooCommerce but they have  prepared a handy guide to all things GDPR.  Have a read.
At the very least, update your privacy policy and consider a cookie notice …